Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thank You, Rie

In the late 80's I lived in Stavanger, Norway, but much to my disappointment, family circumstances sent us back to living in the Seattle area. When we moved back to the US, I purchased two photo books - one of Alaska and one that had an aerial view of Juneau on the cover that reminded me of Stavanger. For the next 15 years, Alaska became my dream.

 My Mom had lived in Alaska years earlier and I wanted to experience what she didn't like about Alaska. (haha) I started reading every Alaskana book I could get my hands on - and I started collecting Rie Munoz artwork, went to her show in Seattle, etc. and grew my artistic self. When I divorced and moved to Alaska, I left behind my Munoz art collection, knowing living the life was going to be so much better than looking at it - and it has been. Running into Rie in town always became one of those little reminders that I'm living out the adventure in life some people only get to dream about. 

I briefly told Rie how much her life had inspired me at her 90th birthday party. I was blessed to see her at her granddaughter's First Friday show and took her photo with her grandmothers. Others were taking their photo and I had my camera with me, so I pulled it out and took one, not realizing the settings were incorrect. I had the chance to share a smile with her as she walked out arm in arm with her son, Juan, not knowing it was a goodbye smile and she would pass away three days later. Thank you Rie for living life with such passion and blessing us all with your beautiful art work and the legacy of your family.